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What Is Spiritualism?

old religions

Spiritualism refers to a school or thought that rejects materialism but emphasizes the existence a higher spiritual reality. It encompasses all forms and types of spiritual belief. It is a metaphysics. However, it differs from other schools of thought in several important ways.

Modern Spiritualism

Modern Spiritualism, a type of religion, is based on the inner journey. It promotes the concept of the ultimate reality and envisions living a life dedicated towards discovering one's true nature. It is often considered to be prosocial in its orientation.


The popularity of table-turning within modern Spiritualism dates back at least to the mid-19th centuries. The Rochester rappings in 1848 were the catalyst for this practice. This sparked interest into electro-biology as well as animal magnetism. As the popularity of table-turning spread, scientists began investigating whether the movement was due to animal magnetism, spirit communication, or unconscious muscle action.



Many people are skeptical of spiritualism and seances. Skeptics say that the phenomenon does not exist and that seances could be fraudulent. While many people have reported experiencing the presence of spirits, there are some restrictions to this phenomenon. For example, there are restrictions on the use of individual images.


Materialization is a phenomenon that occurs when spirits enter a body for whatever reason. This may happen spontaneously, during a haunting, or at the command of a medium. These phenomena are usually suspicious and mediums may have falsified them. The materialization of flowers, for example, was frequently attributed to a medium during the nineteenth century.


Abolitionists seek to free slaves, end traditional marriages and sexual relations, and discredit Bible authority. They also seek to end political deference and the sanctity of private property.


Spiritualism and Mormonism share some common beliefs. Both claims that Jesus Christ will return and establish a kingdom on Earth. They also claim that the Bible is their source of revelations. Spiritualists and Mormons both believe there are twelve apostles at heaven.

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British National Association of Spiritualists

In the early nineteenth century, the pioneers of Spiritualism in Britain decided to establish a national body to represent the Spiritualist faith. They organized a number of National Conferences to form a National Federation of Spiritualist Churches. The meetings were unsuccessful. In late 1889, Two Worlds magazine published the idea of a national Spiritualist unit. A meeting of Spiritualists then was convened at Manchester.


What Is Spiritualism?