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Monotheism explained

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Monotheism can be defined as belief in a single God. There are many monotheistic religious beliefs. Islam, Judaism Zoroastrianism and Hinduism are just a few of the many monotheistic religious traditions. Each one has its own beliefs and practices. Let's examine the differences between them.


Islam is a monotheistic religion that emphasizes the oneness of God. Islam teaches that God is the only Creator and the only one deserving of worship. This concept is highlighted throughout the Qur'an. The Oneness Of Allah is stressed in most verses of the Qur'an.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are the three main monotheistic religions. Abraham is the originator of these three traditions. Abraham, who was the father and founder of Abrahamic religions, was asked for his son's sacrifice. However, God intervened in order to save him. He then offered Abraham to sacrifice a ram. In the Bible, the promised messiah is the focus of the Jewish people's hope.

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Islam considers worship to be an integral part of Islam. Worship is more than mere rituals and prayers. We all need to worship God in some way. These activities may include charitable donations, seeking knowledge, or being a force of good in the world.


Judaism belongs to the Abrahamic group of religions and is monotheistic. Its roots can be traced back to the Bronze Age in the Middle East. It is based in Jewish history and beliefs. It is one the most well-practiced religions worldwide, having been around for over two thousand year.

Jewish people believe God created the universe and that all men are made in God’s image. Judaism is a belief that God will judge all of us at the end. It has many rules, traditions, and holidays and is different from other religions. Currently, there are 5,000,000 Jews in the United States. There are thousands of synagogues throughout the country. Jewish people believe that helping other people is a way to make the world a better place.

The Torah portrays polytheism to be a wicked religion. Deuteronomy32:16-17 accuses God of accusing the Israelites for worshipping false gods. Modern scholarship suggests that polytheism originated in monotheism and is a complex question.

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While Zoroastrianism is one of the smallest religions in the world, it still has a profound impact on the worldview of its followers. Its teachings include the concept of hell and heaven as well as the Judgment day and free will. It also teaches the existence of angels and demons.

Zoroastrians believe human souls can achieve perfection in this life, and then meditate on their actions in the next. A balanced set of actions leads to happiness, and a negative one leads to destruction. Zoroastrianism encourages individuals to be good and moral beings.

Zoroastrianism has been called the oldest religion on the planet. Its followers were a wealthy minority that believed in honesty and respect. Eventually, they fled to India, where they are known today as the Parsis.


Monotheism explained